Library Catalog

Developed a Django web application with user capabilities to store, organize, authorize, authenticate and admin privileges. Designed to act as a library system with front-end capabilities

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Tech used
  • Python
  • Django
the challenge

Understand the implementation

This Library Catalog application has the ability to give users the access to create new data, remove, modify, and categorize data. It uses the Django framework that enhances the versatility of the application. You can expect the use of basic library features like book status, book notification system, book look-up system, and much more.

Be in Control

The ease of the admin dashboard allows you to manage users and datasets. As an admin, you have the highest level of access. Admins can control app-wide settings and access all items on the admin dashboard. Admins can search for users, give access to users rights, terminating users, and add data fields.